Over the past several weeks of hospitalizations and recovery, I’ve been in a position of receiving…a lot. The unwavering support from family and friends, the dedicated care of nurses and doctors, and the steadfast determination of colleagues still amazes me. As I wrote a few weeks ago:
I also learned this: there’s a great surrender in receiving.
To receive was not just to tolerate or accept but also to give in and embrace. I needed to set aside any thought of being strong or self-reliant. I needed to surrender any inhibitions or manly pride.
When I learned to surrender, receiving transformed from humiliating to humbling.
Being forgiven carries this same dynamic. If we tolerate or thoughtlessly accept someone’s forgiveness, we may be putting up defenses, blocking ourselves from the humiliation of having done harm. If we surrender our ego and pride to fully embrace the forgiveness, we own our offenses, finding humility and opening ourselves to greater empathy and compassion…to deeper relationships.
It may be more blessed to give. Yet, I know that, in surrendering myself to receive support and care, I’ve certainly felt blessed. Thank you!
Forgiveness received or extended creates joy. Brother Alois Loser
Here’s an article on Why Some People Own Mistakes and Others Don’t (read now)