I greeted aunts, uncles, cousins, life-long family friends, many acquaintances, and even my first grade teacher. My parents and grandparents (deceased several years ago) presented themselves in brief vignettes shared by those who knew them well. At the same time, the squeals and darned-cuteness of little ones punctuated conversations of anticipated weddings, graduations, and impending births.
Each of us whirled about in a reunion of souls.
Of course, it was my aunt’s day, and she was spectacular. At every turn, a different person – a different memory – greeted her, embraced her. At every turn, the next how’ve-you-been update offered celebration or grief. At every turn, a new recollection of life shared, of love incarnate.
It was my aunt’s day, yet each of us rode our own memory-go-round. And, when all was said and done, we smiled, turned again, and moved on to the next thing.
Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. Lao-Tzu
Enjoy this memory-go-round song: Turn! Turn! Turn! by The Byrds (listen now)