We know what happened. It’s another variation on the same theme, and it’s become all too common. Yet, we pause and try to take it in…the hospitality and the hate…the care given and the brutality received.
Feelings rage and words fail.
Feelings rage and words fail.
Labels eventually emerge that continue to mark the event. Most often they are locations: Nickel Mines, Columbine, Sandy Hook, Newtown, Charleston.
Fortunately, others find words to speak for us. We listen, we nod, and we are grateful for their willingness and ability to speak.
So, today I offer two voices that have been a salve for me:
John Stewart – this segment is his non-comedy response to the Charleston shooting
The Dalai Lama – this video excerpts his thoughts on forgiveness, anger, and compassion
Forgiveness and reconciliation are not cheap, they are costly...Forgiveness is an act of much hope and not despair. It is to hope in the essential goodness of people and to have faith in their potential to change. It is to bet on that possibility... Ultimately there is no future without forgiveness. Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Fortunately, others find words to speak for us. We listen, we nod, and we are grateful for their willingness and ability to speak.
So, today I offer two voices that have been a salve for me:
John Stewart – this segment is his non-comedy response to the Charleston shooting
The Dalai Lama – this video excerpts his thoughts on forgiveness, anger, and compassion
Forgiveness and reconciliation are not cheap, they are costly...Forgiveness is an act of much hope and not despair. It is to hope in the essential goodness of people and to have faith in their potential to change. It is to bet on that possibility... Ultimately there is no future without forgiveness. Archbishop Desmond Tutu